They always put their hands up. Always.
They put them up there,in front of their face, palms out all twitchy and sweaty toothed -- trying to shield what can't be stopped. Those smooth rounds. Those tiny little packages wrapped in heavy gauge metal. Explosive and trajectory specific. Aint no use in putting those hands up at this range. Same as it is down there, it is up here. We aint got no more parlor tricks up here than that flim-flam magician has down there. Aint no smoke and mirrors. This is the real deal.
And when it's on, they call me. I am haunted by that call. That call means one of the Steves has fucked up. In some shape, form or fashion, they fucked up. Big time. And I don't give a diddle-eyed-joe to a damned-if-I-know what their crime was. Or wasn't. I have a job to do.
That's why they call me. I just don't give a shit.
If I did give a shit, I would have pitched a full blown shit fit over the fact that my saddle is thread-bare. The horn is cracked and the rigging is all but give out. Every time I mount up, I expect that sum-bitch to give when I put weight to stirrup. And then I go ass over tit and look like a fool in front of my mount. That prospect pisses me off more than the call does.
When they run. When they try and shake me, slip the hangman's noose, they always end up out here. the wasteland. Limbo, y'all call it.
It's that place that you live most your whole life. Wallowing in the status quo and reveling in the benign comfort that you hold so dear. If'n i had my way, I'd end your suffering for free. But, that shit aint up to me. I don't make the rules, I'm just the Piper that has to be paid.
We call them all "Steves". Fuck all if'n they don't hate that. But, fuck them anyway. Always the favorite. Always so perfect. Fucking angels. Never did care for them. Still -- I don't care for this part. When they cry -- when they beg and tell me their story, their tears are cauldron black and the wings shiver and twitch like the sound a dying rabbit makes. It's, every time, a king hell motherfucker.
So, there it is - this Steve that has fucked up six ways from Sunday. And here I am. Off my mount, and that smooth, silver bitch leveled and ready. This Steve knows that there's no getting 'round the end all of this. We all play our part. We all pay the fiddler to dance.
Only, this Steve says something. Right before it's wings go limp. Right before I plunge the razor-sharp Bowie into it's chest to take the "proof" - some say it's his trophy. And it's fucked up in a bullshit fashion because you have to go under the rib cage. Forget what you've seen in the movies, Nothing save for a hacksaw gets through bone. So, it's under and up time.
I stow the "proof" in the old burlap wrap, and clean the spent chamber with some of the frayed rigging and reload.
The Steve's words - last words before the rabbits screamed - still in my ears. Said something about it knew that it had to go down like this. Said, it knew that this was the way it would end up. Said, it saw the Contract years ago. Said, every time you sign on as a Steve, you know how it's a g'wine to play out. Said, he had a sick sense of humor. Said something about the Platypus.
What is it about the platypus that's so gol-damn funny, I always wonder?
So there's this Steve. All lifeless -- or, afterlife-less, as the case may be, and its told me some shit about the way things work and I just don't care for it. So, I empty the chamber into the ground and reload with new rounds that I had made when I was last down South. I aint doin' this for the Morning Star though. Even though he'll laugh like a bastard when it's done. He's fucking twisted like that anyhow. Naw. This one is for me. It's because maybe deep-down, somewhere under the place where my heart used to be, is an acorn of something that stinks of care.
Turns out, I do give a shit.
And, we all pay the Fiddler to dance.
Even him. He pays too.
It may be me. In the end. But, then again. It may be Him and I just dont know what that'll mean to all y'all down there. That part aint written yet. If'n it goes bad, after, you can blame me. You can make a call. There are mor'n me out there doin' this kind of work. We're a dime-a-dozen. So if'n you're sore about how this plays.....
I'll be 'round.
I'll be waitin'.
And fuck all if'n I don't deserve to die as well. Everything I done -- I deserve to die mor'n you know. But, you better come correct. I deserve it.....
But I aint gonna just throw up my hands and cry those black tears.
That aint how I was made.
Damn sure aint how I'll die.