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Wednesday, March 31, 2010


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I love this.

That was an intensely wonderful pleasure to read. I wish it could continue, in more ways that one.

This is great. I don't say that offhandedly or as hyperbole, but rather as recognition of something true: this is a legitimately great short story — the kind that demands and deserves to be read by many, many people, both now and in years to come.

I loved it, and I'm honestly excited by the idea that tomorrow, I'm probably going to read it again.

Nicely done.

I love your dad.

This was brilliant.

That was awesome. For 10 minutes I as a 10 year old boy.

Wonderful. I could see it, smell it, hear it, taste it. Wonderful.

Aidan, this was just so beautifully done.

The heartbreak of losing people who live in your own town is one of the hardest for me.

So this is what it's like to be a boy. I've always wondered.

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