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Tuesday, May 25, 2010


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This one was like a hug. You know the kind: The one that, while you're in the midst of it, both startles and warms you with the absolute completeness of it.

I'm so sorry you are moving on. Come back when you can?

After reading this, there's nothing left to say except, "Thank you."

That was simply one of the most touching pieces we've had here. We'll always keep a spot in the pack open for you.

Really quite wonderful.

Thank you for being a part of this.

That was grand. Thank you so much.

Ah, all of you are so sweet. Thank you. I truly do love that memory and don't think I would have ever put it down in words would I not have been asked to be part of this.
I truly appreciate a spot remaining open for me. Lovelovelove.

That was downright inspiring.

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