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Monday, July 19, 2010


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Is it wrong that, when reading about the zombie husband eating the brains, all I could think was, "at least he's eating something?" and "maybe more of that would have saved the marriage?"

Yeah, I thought it was. Dammit.

This post summarizes everything I love about your writing. Tremendously, deeply, laugh-out loud funny... and yet, at the same time, nothing funny at all.

Truly. Exceptional.

You got it right. That second to last paragraph especially.

Really well done, love the tone, the dry style- classically fadkog :)

Wow! Love your style, and I felt like I was right in the middle of the situation.

You'll nailed the feelings down so well that I hope this isn't truer than fiction!

I love how your words just flow.

Wow. That was incredible.

Wept. 'Nuff said.
Also, I agree with Pat.
Also, I am wishing I could call you up and say "hey, meet me at ____" and you would and we would.

Damn, you did this proud. That space between the trapeze bars is beautifully captured.

You know your writing's awesome, right?

I will patiently wait for your zombie apocolypse novel to be written!

Yes, that's how it feels.

Maybe there's a Pfaltzgraf effect--those are the dishes I picked out in my first marriage.

You know all your regular FADKOG readers are now worried about you and Tool Man, right?


I really like the impression I got of this woman as a person who can't help but step outside herself--even while she's crying--and sardonically grin and shake her own head at herself. That's a person who probably comes out alright.

wow, you really got a talent FADKOG. Your story is full of emotions and some interesting deep thoughts.


My sweet FADKOG, you capture the struggle.

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