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Wednesday, August 11, 2010


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Oh dear god.

Really, never stop writing.

Aww thank you.

If you were here right now I'd squeeze the stuffing out of you. This elicits so much affection and gratitude in the reading of it.

Excellent way to pick the theme back up, that's for sure.

Well thanks! And also: Thankfully I will not have to pick up all my fallen stuffing.

sweetest thing ever. and personally, i like Bingo. i vote for Bingo.

Bingo is a good name.

At the risk of propping up a tottering tower of Jack Kirby jokes, maybe they end up naming her Granny Goodness.

dun Dun DUN!

How unexpectedly warm and funny and sweet.

I can be warm and sweet. I am not a monnnnstaaaaa.

Damn, that was a fine piece of writing. I was waiting for the monster to leap out at the end. Your reputation precedes you. This is an unexpected delight. (Personally I favor Ming.)

Thanks! Wait... my reputation...?

The lack of evil in this is really throwing me. In a good way. Like when you spin in circles just enough to get buzzed from being off-balance but not enough that you puke.

That was a genuine slice o' sunshine. Good work, Adam.

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